Friday, January 29, 2010
“Can I get a ‘Whoop, whoop’?”
This week has just been like every other week. School, school, school.
I promised I would post some pictures from Saturday and Sunday and all those other days before or after.
This was taken at the baby shower I went to with my momma on Sunday. Everything was butterfly themed. (Butterflies scattered on the tables, butterflies on pink bows, etc.)
This was post-baby shower boredom. My parents decided to talk and talk and talk. SO, I decided to beg and beg until D let me take pictures of him. I love of his serious look. And I love the brick in the background with the brick in the ground, as well.
M. Silliness. M is silliness. This was pre-haircut. Sadly, they “trimmed” his hair. I love his hair long. I don’t see the need for “trimmings”. LOL. >.>
This is T! She is a darling. That is sometimes not so darling. It was a SUNNY day! Her gorgeous light brown curls were flying in the wind and her little toesies were so cute in her pink sandals. (You can’t really see they’re pink—so now you know!)
So, can I get a whoop, whoop?!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I Heart Faces: Week 4 - Texture
I love natural texture. I also really love photoshopped texture but I haven’t practiced with that pretty much at all, so for right now I’m going with natural texture.
I absolutely adore the red brick background in this picture. I love the dark tones.
Head on over to I Heart Faces to check out everybody else’s amazing natural and unnatural texture entries.
Monday, January 25, 2010
I had a pretty good weekend.
On Saturday, our youth group had their annual formal. It was pretty awesome. Especially when all the gringos started dancing. Yeahhh…
Then, on Sunday, we went to church as usual, and were late as usual. Nothing new here. Later we went to a baby shower. I took a few nice pictures. Nothing to do with the baby shower, though. :)
Ummm. I’ll post those later. I’ve been a bad wanna-be photog lately.
But I promise that very soon I will upload those photos.
School and science projects and other homework have been invading my time lately. Along with some pretty good books.
Have a nice week.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
You Capture - Winter
Uh, not happening here.
It’s sunny and beautiful.
The roses are in full bloom and oh so gorgeous. We had some sort of cold front, but it was not wintery. It was just cold and gloomy. And I happened to love it!
Have a look at my winter.
Yes, it is summertime here!
The grass is dry and not that eye-pleasing!
But the pink roses are VERY cute.
The sunshine is sweltering hot, but we’re all good.
Enjoy your winter, or summer!
I’ve been pretty busy lately. School started on Monday and what with taking two different curriculums it gets busy. I have to take a Costa Rican Spanish curriculum and North American curriculum. So that way when I graduate from high school I can go to college in Latin America or North America.
Yeah. It gets confusing. The most confusingest part is that I haven’t passed sixth grade yet. Haha. It’s all a mess that you really don’t care about. But I’m in eighth grade on the North American curriculum.
That has nothing to do with beauty. But I had to explain why I was so busy and hadn’t blogged.
Now for the beauty.
This is a prettiful flower.
I blurred the background so that I could get just the flower in focus.
My brother likes it. I’m not sure what I think yet.
Other than I love yellow things. :)
I’m glad the weekend is here and I can be lazy and enjoy the sunny days.
We have some good wind and sunshine over on our side of the world. And we are in the 70s. We recently had a cold front, though. Everybody was FREEZING and it was only in the low 60s. Yes. For real.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I Heart Faces: Week 2 – Best Face Photo
This week they are having a ton of awesome giveaways and all types of fun surprises to celebrate their 1st birthday!
Make sure to head on over there.
This week they are asking their participants to submit their best face photo taken in December 2009 or January 2010.
My picture is of D. As you can tell, most of my pictures are either D or M.
To be honest, I’m not a big fan of black and white photography. I am a lover of COLOR. But after running a black and white action on this picture, I loved it! So black and white can also be my friend, now.
Head on over to I Heart Faces to see everybody else’s favorite face photo!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I think I need to pull out my camera and take some pictures. But it’s nighttime right this second so that wouldn’t be the greatest idea and I wouldn’t get the nicest pictures.
So I’ll do that tomorrow.
So I’m sorry I haven’t posted any good pictures, lately. Other than ones for assignments…
Tomorrow. Camera. Pictures. Editing. Yep!
G’night and g’bye.
Friday, January 8, 2010
I Heart Faces: Fix-it-Friday #40
Every Friday Angie and Amy post a picture for the participants to play with and enjoy editing.
Since their birthday is coming up very soon, they have a birthday picture today!
I use Photoshop CS3 and I have been recently playing around with actions and things like that, but I haven’t started experimenting with textures yet and I need to do that soon!
Here is the original picture:
Here is my first edit:
I ran a Retro action, I sharpened it a little, and I ran “boost” (yes, I know, I run “boost” on every single edit). I just really love the dark tones it gives to my pictures!
Here is my second edit:
I made it a bit cooler, I ran “boost”, and sharpened it a little. Sorry for the bad resolution!
Head on over to I Heart Faces to see other people’s amazing entries!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
You Capture – Year in Review.
Here are my “Year in Review” pictures, some you have already seen before.
Then there is this one that you may have already seen.
Then there is this one which I absolutely love of D! The silly camera case was in the way of his face, sorry!
Then we have this one of M in December.
Now M again feeding fish.
Some ancient architecture that you may have seen before.
This picture was taken in August. Somehow, August seems like it was decades ago.
And the last one, before I go on and on forever sharing pictures. This is my dearest V all pretty in pink!
Go over to I Should Be Folding Laundry to see everybody else’s great entries!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I Heart Faces. Logo contest.
This week over at i heart faces they are having a logo photo contest. They have asked the participants to take pictures and include the “i heart faces logo” in a creative way, whether it’s naturally or “photoshopped.” I wasn’t going to enter, because I’ve never entered an i heart faces contest before, but after seeing everybody else’s entries I thought I might be able to enter too! The first two were taken yesterday and the last were taken today! I know very last minute. So, I bribed my brothers into helping me. They weren’t really all that excited but I got some nice shots, anyway.
I have never ever entered into an “i heart faces” contest, but I’ve been following them since around April 2008. I absolutely love them and have learned so much from their site! Thank you so much i heart faces and happy almost-birthday!
My first idea was to just write i heart faces on a piece of paper and see what I could get. Little M was my model for this one. :) Don’t you just love his little almond-shaped eyes?
And this one…
This next picture is both D and M. I had an idea to spell out i heart faces with Lego's. It took me a while to build it right, but I finally did!
This next picture is both D and M again. This time, I don’t think D was all that excited about having M hanging on his neck and intruding in his picture. (Yeah, I thought he didn’t want his picture taken.)
This next one is my last one. :( M was being silly *rolls eyes* (like always). And I got this cute shot of him!
Head on over to i heart faces to see everybody else’s amazing entries!
Oh and thanks to M and D for posing for me.
“I am submitting this photo into the I Heart Faces logo photo contest. By entering, I am granting I Heart Faces LLC permission to consider my photo for use in the marketing and promotion of their website.”
Sunday, January 3, 2010
One more.
Oh one more picture I forgot to add…
The actual city. Haha.
I love this picture.
I ran boost at 100%, old west at 90%, and a slight sharpen, and slight lighten.
Panama. The city.
This is a “chiva.” It is a funky bus. It’s painted and they are absolutely gorgeous. Some of the buses are all painted and some just in the front. I couldn’t get a very good picture of the front!
This is a Cuna Indian. They handcraft all these wonderful pieces of artwork.
This building was once part of the old Panama city. Now they have made the “old Panama” a place for tourists (and their cameras :D) to enjoy the scenic, rustic, old buildings.
This here is the Panama Channel. There are boats from all over the world (mainly China, South Korea, Chile, among others) that pass this channel. The toll fees for these type of boats start at around $250,000 and go on up from there, but of course it’s much cheaper than having to sail around the tip of South America.
This is Panama for you.
I loved it so much.
And I’m sure the camera did too. :)
I edited all these pictures in Photoshop CS3.
Just some quick edits using PW's action sets.
My favorite being “Boost.”
I hope you enjoyed the pictures of Panama. And you must visit sometime.
Have a wonderful week. :)
Coming soon.
I will be posting pictures of our vacation in Panama City soon.
It was really amazing.
A gorgeous city, but very tiring.
And hot.
Wayyy hot.
Like 90something degrees. Every single day.
And humid.
But it’s got high-rises!
I will leave you with this.
This is the entrance to the tourist thingy at the Panama Channel.
The channel is sweeeeet.
Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon. :)