Monday, April 26, 2010

Of doves and pigeons.

So maybe smart people know this. But I obviously didn't. Here goes the story:
My dad asked me what pigeon was in Spanish. And I told him it was paloma. But then, I was like oh but paloma is dove. So I looked up the word dove and the translation was paloma and then I looked up the word pigeon and the translation was paloma. I am not a person that is easily confused. But this really confused me. I was like, "How the heck are they the same thing?!" But then I digged deeper, and paloma is the name of the bird family or whatever and in Spanish it just stays the same. Umm, thanks Spanish language creators for not creating a word for dove in Spanish. Or a specific one for pigeon.

So this is a stupid random story that no one cares about. But I thought I'd share it anyhoo. (:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


TWLOHA stands for To Write Love On Her Arms. This is like an awesome cause for helping people with suicide issues, and other stuff like that. I'm not good at explaining so head on over there. Today was like TWLOHA day. But I think they have a couple a year or something like that. But today was one of them. And it was awesome because a big part of my very small (60 ish people) had LOVE written on their arms. It was pretty cool, to me at least. You should totally become a fan on Facebook. Or follow them on Twitter.
But today you remember all those people who have committed suicide, all those who have killed themselves because they didn't feel LOVED. (These TWLOHA people do more awesome stuff {which is why you should go check them out!} but the suicide part is what really stands out.) So, go tell someone you love them!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mouth-Watering Hatred.

This week over at i heart faces they are doing a desserts challenge. But I'm not going to participate. But the judge is Bakerella and I had sadly never heard of her before. So I went on over to her website and found this. Yes, they are mint-chocolate brownies. Me, being the young missionary kid girl living in Central America that had never heard of mint chips hated myself for even looking at them knowing it would be a while before I could try them. So that is me being a masochist. Oh but just go look at it. And be prepared to fall head-over-heels in LOVE.  

Friday, April 2, 2010

I Heart Faces: Fix-It-Friday #49

It is once again time for Fix-It-Friday over at i heart faces. Every Friday the participants are given a photo that may need a little (or a lot of) embellishment. This week's picture was so adorable that I don't think it needed very much! 

Meet Violet (original picture):

Here is my edit:

I did a few things:
  • Sharpened
  • Adjusted levels
  • Ran an action that makes eyes pop!
  • Lightened
  • Ran PW's Warmer action
  • Ran PW's Boost
  • Ran PW's Seventies at 39%
  • Loved it and stopped editing!
Head on over to i heart faces to check out everybody else's fabulous edits!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cute Stuff.

Some very nice friends of my family (and mine!) are in the country for a visit with their less-than-half-a-year old baby. He is a cutie! And oh his hair. His hair. Gosh, his hair. It's stinkin' hilarious!

Here he is:
I told you he was a bunch of cuteness!
More pictures to come. (Especially one involving the hair I've babbled about!)

Happy Maundy Thursday!